Early in my story of The Voyage of The Aegre, I mention how inspired I was by The Cruise of the Kate by E E Middleton, his account of a solo voyage around England in 1869 in an engineless flush-decked 23ft yawl.

The reprint I have today was published in 1953 as No.23 in the Mariners Library by Rupert Hart-Davis, with an Introduction by Arthur Ransome. With the rising popularity of small boat and dinghy cruising today, I think the story is relevant and inspiring.

This edition has a lengthy introduction by Arthur Ransome which gives an extensive background to Middleton and The Kate and a commentary on their passage around England. Below is a short summary of the book on the inside cover.

It also contains wonderful illustrations which I have scanned into a separate gallery.

Now look at the pictures of The Kate
Well worth adding to your library, but look for this Mariners Library edition.
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