In this Post: Notes on Chapter 17: Tahiti Sojourn, in the book, The Voyage of The Aegre. Plus a link to the latest photos of the boat being built in Glasgow inspired by The Aegre; and a link to an interview with Peter Matheson, the builder of the Glasgow boat.

Julie and I paused in Tahiti to give The Aegre a refit. In Chapter 17, I tell of pulling The Aegre up onto the beach at Puna’auia and stripping the boat for a complete repaint and re-rig while continuing to live aboard her.
In the Notes on Chapter 17: Why Tahiti is French; How we were unwittingly radiated; The Aegre story in La Depeche de Tahiti; Our neighbours in Puna’auia, Varua and and Bobbes; breakfast with French yacht racing star Alain Colas; plus cruising companions and friends in Tahiti. Go to Chapter 17 Notes
Glasgow Visit: In September, I visited Clydebank, Glasgow, to meet boatbuilder Peter Matheson and see the boat he is building, inspired by The Aegre.

Later on this same morning, Peter, Murray and I visited the nearby studio of Sunny G Radio in Govan, Glasgow, where I interviewed Peter and Murray about the building of the boat. You can listen to this interview here:
You can see the latest photos of the boat being built here

Thank you for your interest and support. A diminishing number of the First Edition of The Voyage of The Aegre book are still available; see How to Buy the Book
Nick Grainger 11 October 2024
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