Additions to the website: Notes on Chapter 7 Sea trials; a page on Errata in the paperback; a video update on the yahl inspired by The Aegre being built in Glasgow; and a page listing all website Posts.

Chapter 7 in the Voyage of The Aegre covers the time from the launching of the decked Aegre through to our departure for Madeira, 1,800 miles to the south. The Notes include photos from this time that aren’t in the book, more details about the standing lug rig and the self-steering wind vane system, why our departure was delayed, and a map showing a little more about our trial sails.
Errata in the first printing of the paperback and the 2023 Kindle versions of The Voyage of The Aegre: from Scotland to the South Seas in a Shetland boat. Despite the very best efforts of many trial readers, a professional editor, and of Gene Carl Feldman, David Burnett and myself, some errors slipped through into the published book. We gradually discovered these over the next six months: a misspelt name here, an incorrectly attributed photo there, a misremembered fact somewhere else. For instance, I had long ‘known’ that the builder of The Aegre, Tom Edwardson, came from Yell, in the Shetland Islands. While researching the whole story, I tried to contact his relatives with no success. But then, in July 2023, following the launch of the book in the Lerwick library (in Shetland), Tom’s son-in-law introduced himself and told me that actually Tom and his family came from the island of Unst, not Yell, (in the north of the Shetland Islands).
All of these corrections have been made in the Amazon printing of the book and Kindle version, purchased since February 2024.
Purchasers of the first printing of the book (with the fold-out flaps) and Amazon paperbacks and Kindle versions purchased prior to February 2024 might like to view the Errata page on the website.
The yahl, inspired by The Aegre, being built at Clydeside Traditional Boats in Glasgow by Peter Matheson and his volunteer team, is progressing. See a video and photos of the garboard planks being steamed and fitted.
A list of Posts: This is the 2oth Post I have published from this website about The Voyage of The Aegre. Newer subscribers and interested visitors to the website may be interested in looking back through these past Posts, so I’ve listed them all here.
Not got the book?

The Voyage of The Aegre can be purchased from bookshops in the UK, Australia and NZ, and from Amazon worldwide. A Kindle and eBook version is also widely available. An Audiobook version I narrate myself is available from Amazon Audible, Spotify and all the other major audiobook distributors.
The paperback will soon be available in bookstores in the US, Canada, the EU and most other countries.
Signed copies of the original printed edition of the book are available from this website here.