Chapter titles in The Voyage of The Aegre

The chapter titles in The Voyage of The Aegre show the structure and content of the book. Everything from the origins of the idea, and the preparation, to the voyage itself and its unexpected end.

Chapter titles in The Voyage of The Aegre


  • Prologue
  • Chapter 1 Learning to live
  • Chapter 2 Ardmore adventure
  • Chapter 3 A London winter and Scottish summer
  • Chapter 4 The perfect boat
  • Chapter 5 Another London winter
  • Chapter 6 Fitting out The Aegre
  • Chapter 7 Sea trials
  • Chapter 8 First passage: Scourie to Madeira
  • Chapter 9 Madeira sunshine
  • Chapter 10 Sailing to the Canary Islands
  • Chapter 11 Transatlantic passage
  • Chapter 12 Barbados
  • Chapter 13 Grenada and the Grenadines
  • Chapter 14 Across the Caribbean to Panama
  • Chapter 15 4,000 miles in 21 feet
  • Chapter 16 The Marquesas to Tahiti
  • Chapter 17 Tahiti sojourn
  • Chapter 18 Disaster
  • Chapter 19 Sailing on to where?
  • Chapter 20 High and dry on Pago Pago
  • Postscript: What happened to The Aegre?
  • Acknowledgements

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